Monday, December 16, 2013

A good bye for now My reader

Growing up I realize that the world is full of expectations. There are expectations everywhere! From your boss to parents and for me, my parents’ expectation are my top priority because I love them and I can’t stand to see a frown on my aging parent face. I grew up with very traditional Vietnamese parents and as a female, my mother always wanted me to be able to cook because some day I will have to cook for my family. 

“Beauty and kitchen etiquette are a must darling! Beauty itself is nothing because instant noodles won’t steal your husband's heart. You must conquer him starting with his belly!”That is how my cooking journey started! I started to learn cooking from my parents and grandma and I realized I have been missing out a lot! Cooking is not just to stir up some food to fill our belly. There is more to it! Spending hours in the kitchen is all worth it because seeing your loved one smile because of your food is priceless.

Life is short and I think we should try new stuff everyday because if we don’t, we’re missing out a lot! Try new food! Learn how to cook! And Blog! Nothing can surprise you more than our unlimited search engine world. This semester I was introduced to blogging and I realize that there is a whole other dimension going on. Just like a Pandora box, once you type in some keywords and hit search, you’ll be surprised with the interesting facts that are going to be flashing on your screen. Never underestimate it! Discovering facts and sharing your view on certain things in life with someone that may be on the opposite side of the planet. Meeting strangers and learning more about the world and the author through their writing is very exciting. A huge variety of knowledge is being exchanges at a faster rate. What is better than that?


I hope that the recipes I shared will encourage you to try a variety of Vietnamese cuisine, so that you can try it the next time you step into a Vietnamese restaurant. Better yet! You can try to make them at home and impress your loved one! Always try new things because life is full of excitement, don’t let the excitement slip away like that!

 Saying good bye is probably the hardest thing for me. No one likes good bye! But for now this will be my last post because finals week is around the corner and it tends to get busy. I hope that you enjoy my Vietnamese goodies.

A good bye for now, my dear reader 

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